May 31 2013

How Are Things Going?

  • Posted by: admin

Seems like a simple question. But as an early stage entrepreneur when asked this question in reference to my company “I have absolutely no idea” is the only answer can give with any confidence.

Why? Because “It’s going really, really well” is a lie and anything I say through tears is too dramatic.

There was a day in early November when my site traffic doubled because my mother-in-law and her two sisters figured out what my site was called. That night, I was asked “How are things going?”

“My uniques have doubled in the past 24 hours” I answered through tears.

Here’s the thing though, I have come to realize that I am not alone  “having lunch with some VCs later this week” is meeting friend Victor Carter at Chick-Fil-a “been talking to some Angels” is just praying and “we’re launching our product next week” means throwing a laptop out the window.

But in a similar vein, “start-up fail crazy me go” from an over caffeinated entrepreneur wearing their shirt backward is someone whose team you may want to join.

But I have absolutely no idea what’s going on.


– Tom Doar


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